Ebook {Epub PDF} Admiral of the Ocean Sea: A Life of Christopher Columbus by Samuel Eliot Morison

Admiral of the ocean sea: a life of Christopher Columbus by Morison, Samuel Eliot, Publication date "A condensation of my two-volume Admiral of the ocean sea, published at the same time. All the notes have been omitted, and a good many pages of navigational data; a chapter on ships and sailing and one on the origin of syphilis User Interaction Count: Morison, who won the Pulitzer Prize for this work, humanizes Columbus, who is fleshed out warts and all. Columbus is intensely religious, loyal, at times a bore, a peerless admiral and navigator, a so-so and at times poor administrator, courageous, brilliant and at times extremely www.doorway.ru by: Admiral of the ocean sea: a life of Christopher Columbus by Morison, Samuel Eliot, Publication date "A condensation of my two-volume Admiral of the ocean sea, published at the same time. All the notes have been omitted, and a good many pages of navigational data; a chapter on ships and sailing and one on the origin of syphilis User Interaction Count:

In Admiral of the Ocean Sea -- a book published in , years after Columbus' first voyage across the Atlantic - Samuel Eliot Morison brought his academic expertise, and his practical knowledge of seafaring life, to the task of recounting Columbus' story. The resulting book, Admiral of the Ocean Sea: A Life of Christopher Columbus (), made Morison's name as a scholar who was not content to dwell in the archives. It also gave him entree. It. Review: "Admiral of the Ocean Sea" by Samuel Eliot Morison. This book is NOT a full biography about Columbus. Rather, it is the insights of the author (Morison) as a sailor, who went with an expedition to recreate the voyages of Columbus. He tells the readers what Columbus got right or wrong, as a sailor, and how he was indeed the greatest.

xx, pages, 6 unnumbered leaves of plates: 25 cm "A condensation of my two-volume Admiral of the ocean sea, published at the same time. All the notes have been omitted, and a good many pages of navigational data; a chapter on ships and sailing and one on the origin of syphilis have been summarized. Morison, who won the Pulitzer Prize for this work, humanizes Columbus, who is fleshed out warts and all. Columbus is intensely religious, loyal, at times a bore, a peerless admiral and navigator, a so-so and at times poor administrator, courageous, brilliant and at times extremely hardheaded. admiral-of-the-ocean-sea-a-life-christopher-columbus-samuel-eliot-morison 2/3 Downloaded from www.doorway.ru on Novem by guest Christopher Columbus, Mariner-Samuel Eliot Morison A noted historian and navigator relates the story of the accomplished seaman who sailed west to the New World.


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